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Critical Finding — Marketspace Context has Been Missing in Investment Analyses

  • A new emphasis on benchmarking products within the context of total consumer demand 


  • Assessing the total Marketspace and your place in it positions investors to reap extraordinary profit and value from present and future investments


  • Marketspace Assessment delivers the necessary re-set to know the quality of your product’s demand and the factors driving acceptance

Market Analysis

MarketSpace Analysis
​Head-to-head paired comparisons of ideas and products directly competing with today’s personal favorites

MarketSpace Scoring
Competitive benchmarking creates

future performance norms independent of product or service

category, successfully predicting substitution and displacement.

Creating, Innovating, Assessing, Deciding
The Investment Recommendation Score enables the identification and refinement of early concepts and then measures those concepts against defined success metrics inclusive of the entire competitive market. 

The Investment Recommendation Score will guide investors in narrowing the field of opportunity to ensure success. 


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